Fodbold og dansk, national stolthed: fra en konvertits synspunkt

Dansk Roligans, EM 2012

Dansk Roligans, EM 2012
foto af Kathrin Pelgröm

Det gjorde mig nervøs at male flag i ansigtet på fodboldfans på vej til kampen mod Portugal. Var proportionerne rigtige? Jeg er trods alt amerikaner. Heldigvis sad jeg i et tog med over 400 danskere, der var dækket af de rød-hvide farver, deriblandt flag. Imod slutningen af turen til Lviv, Ukraine kunne jeg male det elskede symbol og var konverteret til dansk, national stolthed. Continue reading

Read This: What Did Conservatives Win from the ObamaCare Decision?

The Contemplation of Justice, U.S. Supreme Court

The Contemplation of Justice
U.S. Supreme Court

The Supreme Court’s decision is indeed a big win for the Obama Administration with a unique American solution to a problem already solved in Europe, that of near-universal health care. One way of securing this win is to develop a nation-wide notion of the right to health care in order to counter libertarian trends. This will be the subject of my next legal blog.

I decided not to write anything additional about the decision, because frankly, my previous blog on A Decision Against Obamacare Could Foment A Revolution, adequately describes the  worrying introduction of an undefinded notion of individual rights into commerce clause jurisprudence. James Stewart, (a former professor of mine at Columbia Graduate School of Journalism), has written an informative piece in the New York Times on the decison and its conservative implications for both the commerce clause and for the taxing and spending clause. The 193-page decision is available on the U.S. Supreme Court website.

Read This: European Football Championships 2012

The British magazine, FourFourTwo,  provides the best coverage of the European Championships I’ve seen.  Several issues highlight the teams, their prospects, individual players and referees. When the championships end this Sunday, they will no doubt provide a complete analysis.  Unfortunately, like most sports news, one has to pay – one pound for the three championship issues.